This joint exhibition at the Doswell Gallery, Rosscarbery, Co. Cork is still running till the 11th September, so last chance to see new work of Cóilín Murray, Karen Hendy and Holger Lonze.
Three artists working in different media but all influenced by their surroundings in West Cork. Karen Hendy's textured work, full of chromatic contrasts, is influenced by her immediate environment around Schull in West Cork. Objets trouvée such as silage wraps or turf are transformed and find their way into her paintings. Contrasted with Karen but still influenced by the West Cork environment the artist Cóilín Murray returns to exhibit in the gallery with a new series of very colourful, spontaneous and energetic works on paper - two pieces are over 2 metres wide by 1 metre high. Holger Lönze, the sculptor who designed and made the 3.7m Bangor Bell - the largest bell in Ireland - is showing some of his smaller abstract bronzes with a maritime theme which were cast at Liss Ard estate as part of the Umha Aois Archaeology and Sculpture Symposium (mentioned in John P O'Sullivan's review in The Sunday Times, see below).
Images of the artists' work is on view at
An Sgoth Eireanach II (The Irish Skiff), bronze, stainless steel and concrete. A three-part composition of sail elements, pivoted on a single point, using rigging components and tensile structural members.
Detail of An Sgoth Eireanach II
Sea, River, Sky; bronze. A wall-mounted, three-part relief composition based on the natural water cycle.
A series of eight small maritime compositions developed during a residency at the Ballinglen Arts Foundation, Co. Mayo and cast at the Umha Aois symposium at Liss Ard, 2016
Bosca Briste I, cast bronze, 1/3
Bosca Briste II, cast bronze, 1/3
John P. O'Sullivan in The Sunday Times, 4th September 2016